If you do it right, it will last forever.
Delete the negative; accentuate the positive! You cannot be creative with people around you. It is difficult to talk about fashion in the abstract, without a human body before my eyes, without drawings, without a choice of fabric – without a practical or visual reality. For me, the summer will be pure gray – mother-of-pearl gray, very pale gray. To me, this is the big statement for summer. Then we have light blue, light turquoise, lots of pink.
Simplicity is about subtracting the obvious and adding the meaningful.
Style is much more interesting than fashion, really. Design and style should work toward making you look good and feel good without a lot of effort so you can get on with the things that matter. I still appreciate individuality. Style is much more interesting than fashion, really. I’d like to believe that the women who wear my clothes are not dressing for other people, that they’re wearing what they like and what suits them. It’s not a status thing.

Fashion can be this mysterious thing.
Delete the negative; accentuate the positive! You cannot be creative with people around you. It is difficult to talk about fashion in the abstract, without a human body before my eyes, without drawings, without a choice of fabric – without a practical or visual reality. For me, the summer will be pure gray – mother-of-pearl gray, very pale gray. To me, this is the big statement for summer. Then we have light blue and lots of pink.
Quality is in details.
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