This all-original set of digital collectibles that puts a unique Garbage Pail Kids (GPK) twist on popular NFT projects and the crypto industry as a whole, with roasting subjects like the LUNA-tic, Bored Adam Yuck Club, Airdrop Angel, and Crypto Pukes to name a few.
The sold-out collection includes 24 all-new, original and re-imagined Garbage Pail Kids (GPK) as Non-FLUSHABLE Tokens (NFTs) with each non-flushable character coming in 6 unique variants for a total of 144 unique NFTs.
It was exciting to collaborate with the whole team and bring this project to life. From the concepts that poked fun at our friends in the NFT pop culture space with all the absurdities and oddities fans have grown to love from the Garbage Pail Kids brand to the final set of cards that we released to the world that sold-out in 20 minutes and did exceptionally well in the secondary marketplace.
As the Sr. Creative Director/Head of Creative & Design of this incredible project, I was oversight on all creative and responsible for all creative decisions in getting this released and out into the market.
Artists: Joe Simko, Darrin Pepe, David Gross, Brent Engstrom, Justin Gammon & Jerad Hill
Content Designers/Animators: Anthony Verducci, Jason Kinnear & Jerad Hill
Content Product Manager: Caleb Ferguson
Content Producer: Samantha Bonilla